Because purchasing a home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make, you will definitely want a team of professionals working with you throughout the process. Let a Mortgage Brokers Ottawa trusted Mortgage Broker lead the way.
Besides the Mortgage Broker, here are some suggestions of other professionals to help you along the way.
The Real Estate Agent, who will:
The Lawyer/Notary
You need a lawyer, (or a notary in Quebec), to protect your legal interests and process the legal work necessary to transfer title.
The Home Inspector
You should consider having any home you are thinking of buying inspected by a knowledgeable and professional home inspector. The home inspector's role is to inform you on the property's condition. He or she will tell you if something is not functioning properly, needs to be changed or is unsafe.
The Insurance Agent/Broker
An insurance agent/broker can help you with your insurance needs. Lenders insist on property insurance because your property is their security for your loan. Property insurance covers the replacement cost of your home, so premiums may vary depending on its value.
The Appraiser
Having an independent appraisal done on a property when you make an offer is a good idea. It will tell you what the property is worth and help ensure that you are not paying too much. Your lender may also ask for an appraisal by a recognized company in order to complete a mortgage loan.